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It Ain't As Bad As You Think!

How many times have you put something off because you thought it was going to be difficult to accomplish it? How many times have you finally done it only to find out it was easier than you thought?

Often we postpone our work and our choices to avoid discomfort. Sometimes we stall because of self-doubt or a sense of inadequacy associated with the task at hand. Other times, we simply lack the needed motivation to get started. Whatever the reason, procrastination usually has negative consequences and simply creates stress as the projects and decisions begin to pile up.

It can be easy to procrastinate and put off tasks “until tomorrow”. This is something that many have done at one time or another. Although doing this is sometimes necessary due to personal daily schedules, the act of procrastinating can become a habit and can cause you to put things off in your life for days, weeks or even years. Some people have mastered the art of putting off doing certain tasks, despite knowing that they will be worse off for the delay. Research has shown that around 15% to 20% of adults regularly put off activities that would be better done right away and around 40% of people have experienced a financial loss as a result of procrastination. Psychological scientist Fuschia Sirois reports that chronic procrastination may make people more vulnerable to serious health conditions, like cardiovascular disease and hypertension.

There are many negative aspects to procrastination. Of course, the obvious problem is that whatever you are procrastinating simply doesn’t get done. In addition to the task not getting done, there is a mental price to be paid for putting off tasks. Stress and worry...especially if what you are putting off is important. You know you would feel better if you just got the task completed, yet you still keep putting it off, which causes even more stress.

Procrastination is a gateway for fear.

Fear. It is a four-letter word that has so much power over our lives and we seem to have accepted it as part of the human condition. Fear takes us away from what we desire, from what makes us great, it makes us feel unworthy, it creates a sense of powerlessness, but most of all it robs us of who we are meant to be.

Our Fears at times are based on our thoughts about something that has not even happened. It is often our fear that perceives difficult situations and keeps a particular items on your to-do list for longer than necessary. Consequently, this ultimately prevents you from achieving your goals. By facing your fears, you will realize that “It ain’t as bad as you think”.

Stay focus, prioritize your list of what’s important and set aside the time you need without interruption. Doing this will ensure you attain your desired results.

As Robert M. Pirsig said, “It’s so hard when contemplated in advance, and so easy when you do it”

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